of a digital gif used in social media channels and three A2 directional posters used throughout the event.

a digital gif used in social media channels and three A2 directional posters used throughout the event.

The brochure was produced for the community to highlight what's happening at the market, produce that is available from certain traders, a recipe and an introduction of a trader from the Market.

Above are examples used in the campaign. From top down: Digital used in social media channels,
Street Posters, Outdoor, Street Furniture, Pull-Up Banners and Recipe Cards.

Simply called #SupportPrahranMarket. We used the new created colour palette. Street Posters and a two sided
DL leaflet as a mail drop around the community were created.

Digital ads were created for all social media channels as well as Street Posters.

Digital ads were created for all social media channels as well as Street Posters.